Acupuncture is an excellent and well-researched therapy for the treatment of acute and chronic pain (including low back pain, sciatica, arthritis and headaches). Its benefits however are not limited to pain management. Dr. Katrina uses acupuncture regularly in the treatment of insomnia, depression, hormonal balancing and as part of other therapies.
Stress Management
Long term stress has physical and emotional effects on us and can cause a multitude of issues. As a negative influence, stress can cause us feelings of distrust, rejection, anger and depression, which, in turn, can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.
Clinical Nutrition
Good nutrition is a core component in achieving general health and well-being. Dietary analysis, food sensitivity elimination, nutritional supplementation (vitamins, mineral, nutraceuticals and B12 injections) may be prescribed and are used to treat a variety of complaints including allergies, anemia, arthritis, colds, depression, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, high or low blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, obesity, pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), respiratory conditions, and stress.
Lifestyle Management
Do you feel like all of life’s “noise” could be affecting your health? Lifestyle management can help improve your health by targeting a range of different concerns and areas, such as physical activity, stress, smoking, and nutrition. Together we can define a structured, action-oriented health promotion initiative to help you improve your health and get you back to living your life.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture, is a natural, non-surgical, and holistic approach to skin rejuvenation designed to revitalize, restore, and refresh. The process can improve the production of collagen and elastin to reduce wrinkles, resulting in a younger looking, firmer revitalized face. This treatment can assist in improving your health and well being and is helpful in smoothing out lines, erasing shallow lines, and softening deeper furrows.
Botanical Medicine
Botanical medicine, also known as herbal medicine, has been practiced for centuries. Our prescriptions draw upon the wisdom that comes from the great traditional medical systems of the East and the West. Each person has a prescription written and carefully designed for their unique needs and is best for regenerating the body. Herbal prescriptions can be made in the form of pills, tinctures, teas and baths.
Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others.
The practice of homeopathy is based on the theory of treating like with like. Homeopathic remedies are super diluted substances from plants, animals and minerals and are used to stimulate the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
The use of water in formal medicine has been used for centuries for pain relief and treatment. Water temperature and pressure and the physical properties of water are used with massage, bath salts and therapies to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain ailments.